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Supreme Court Rejects Appeal in New Jersey COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Case
The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal in a case challenging New Jersey's COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers. The decision upholds a lower court ruling that found the mandate does not violate the nurses' constitutional rights.
4 HR Tips For Hospitality Businesses Post-Covid-19
The hospitality industry, which includes restaurants, bars, and hotels, has always faced challenges attracting and retaining talent. Low wages, high physical demands, schedule inflexibility, and difficult customers are some of the factors that contribute to high employee turnover rates in this sector. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the hospitality industry had a 78.9% turnover rate in 2019, well above the average of 44.3% for all industries.
The return-to-office (RTO) debate has been swirling for a while now, and we’ve heard every angle. Some employees are eager to reclaim their office routines, while others have fully embraced remote work and don’t want to give it up. And truthfully? Both perspectives make sense.