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Minimum Wage Increases in 22 States on January 1, 2024

Millions of Workers Will See Pay Raises

Expanded state minimum wages will ripple across the workforce. Raises will impact workers beyond minimum wage earners.


Minimum wage increases aren't just good news for workers earning the lowest wages—they often have a ripple effect that benefits other workers as well. When the wage floor is raised, employers typically adjust pay scales upwards, resulting in raises for workers who make slightly more than the minimum wage as well.

13 States Index Minimum Wage to Inflation

In 13 states, minimum wage increases are tied to inflation. This means that wages automatically go up with the cost of living, helping to ensure that workers' paychecks maintain their purchasing power over time.

Push for $15 Minimum Wage Gains Momentum

More states are embracing a $15 minimum wage, a goal championed by the Fight for $15 movement for over a decade. New York, Maryland, and New Mexico are among the states that will reach this threshold on January 1, 2024.

Federal Minimum Wage Remains Unchanged Since 2009

While states are taking action to raise minimum wages, the federal minimum wage has remained stagnant at $7.25 per hour since 2009. This means that workers in states without their own minimum wage laws have not seen an increase in their base pay in over 15 years.


Q: Which states are raising their minimum wage on January 1, 2024?

A: A total of 22 states will increase their minimum wage on January 1, 2024.

Q: Why are states raising their minimum wage?

A: States are raising their minimum wage to help workers keep up with the rising cost of living and to address wage inequality.

Q: What is the federal minimum wage?

A: The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour and has not been increased since 2009.