Nimble Advisors

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Five keys to on-boarding new hires

Welcoming a fresh face to the team is always an exciting moment, but it also marks the beginning of a crucial process: onboarding. One of the most vital components of onboarding is setting clear performance expectations for your new team member. When done right, this step lays the foundation for a successful and productive employee tenure at your organization.

1. Begin with a Comprehensive Job Description or Job Profile:

The foundation for setting performance expectations starts with a well-crafted job description or job profile (preferably). You see, job descriptions are not just for when you are recruiting talent; once you hire a team member, it’s important to revisit the profile and any items you may have covered during the interview process. Clearly outline the roles, responsibilities, and key performance indicators (KPIs) associated with the position. Use specific language to describe the core functions of the role, and provide an overview of how success will be measured and how frequently.

2. Foster Two-Way Communication:

Encourage open dialogue during onboarding sessions. Make sure your new hire has the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback on the performance expectations discussed. This not only helps to clarify any doubts but also creates a sense of ownership in meeting those expectations.

3. Provide Resources and Training:

It's essential to equip your new employee with the tools they need to excel in their role. Offer resources, training programs, and mentorship opportunities that align with the performance expectations. This investment in their development will undoubtedly pay off in the long run.

4. Regular Check-Ins and Performance Reviews:

Onboarding doesn't end after the first week or month. Schedule regular check-ins to assess progress, provide constructive feedback, and address any challenges. Performance reviews should be approached as opportunities for growth and development rather than mere evaluations.

5. Be Transparent About Consequences:

While we aim for success, it's essential to discuss the consequences of consistently falling short of expectations. Be transparent about the potential outcomes and provide support to help your new hire get back on track when necessary. Always, when discussing consequences with a new hire, remember to review all of the support options available to ensure their success.

Lastly, remember that performance expectations should not exist in a vacuum. Emphasize how these expectations align with the company's goals, culture, and values. Employees who understand the bigger picture are more likely to be engaged and committed to their roles. In conclusion, effective communication of performance expectations during onboarding is a critical step towards fostering a high-performing and engaged workforce.

If you would like help developing an onboarding process at your organization, maybe it’s time we had a conversation. Let’s Talk.